
I’m overseas at the moment, with very patchy internet. Please forgive my not posting a photo, but I’d like to tell you about November’s nominee for the Savvy Girl Hall of Fame:

Poet, Abigail Mott!   http://abigailmott.tumblr.com/

I had the real pleasure of meeting Abigail recently in Denver, CO.

Picture this: a gorgeous, ceative and delightfully quirky girl in a knitted hat, sets herself up on the sidewalk. She sits at a little desk, atop which is perched an old fashioned typewriter. Snowflakes are falling gently and holiday lights are twinkling.

Passers-by can provide any subject, and Abigail composes an original poem, then and there! She draws on her jaunty outlook and a bank of  words to tap away in a beguiling staccato.

It costs just a latte or two, and even the cost is a suggestion only.

Look out for Abigail at the 16th St mall!



ps: I’ll post that photo as soon as I’m home!




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