Oversharing & Underthinking.

[I usually lean toward more uplifting stories… but here goes!] Maybe you’ve seen today’s news story of a father who filmed his daughter’s birth—while driving to the hospital. Oddly, it was introduced as a “feel-good” piece which was “guaranteed to put a smile on your...

At your fingertips …

This weekend’s New York Times magazine (p11) had a rundown of quirky items you could buy from vending machines around the world: Gold bars – Abu Dhabi (just how many coins would you need to put in?) Cupcakes – LA (sold!) Nail Polish – Paris. Hmm. Bras – Tokyo....


Laughter is surprisingly canny (as opposed to, say, canned laughter). On the surface, it’s just an amused reaction to something funny: lighthearted, guttural, fleeting. Yet it has surprising power to ease tension at the highest levels or seal instant friendships, and...


“I’ve been on a calendar, but I’ve never been on time.” —Marilyn Monroe. Each of us has a relationship with time. We might bluster through our day, lurching from appointment to appointment, or we might move like molasses, unperturbed. Society vows “faster” is better....

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