by aliciayoung | Jan 23, 2013 | Body, Humor, Identity, LIfe, Relationships
Some people share their name with rock stars, world leaders or Nobel Laureates. Not me. I call it The Case of the Curious Stats (as in statistics). Like most sites, this website allows us to monitor general data—which countries are represented, which pages are most...
by aliciayoung | Jan 16, 2013 | Communication, Community, LIfe, Relationships, Spirit
If you’ve ever experienced a little charity fatigue, I feel for you. I live in an activist neighborhood, where most days a Savvy Girl can’t take three steps without being pressed for a signature, a membership, a donation, or occasionally, a kidney. You want to help,...
by aliciayoung | Jan 9, 2013 | Humor, LIfe, Relationships
His proposal came in the middle of a job interview. I had just returned from London and Jon wanted me to move into the boarding school where he worked and lived. The school principal agreed—on one condition. He was a tall man, and he spread his long arms out like...
by aliciayoung | Jan 28, 2012 | Communication, Community, LIfe, Mind, Relationships, Spirit
Could you organize the group gift? Could you babysit this weekend? Could you lend me some money (again)? Meet Carla. She said yes to all these requests—this past weekend. People who meet her see a dynamic, caring and accomplished woman. They’re right.They’re just...
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