A new year stretches out before us, fresh and crisp.

I appreciate we arrive at the end of the year with feelings as individual as we are.

Some of us will be eager to wave goodbye to 2014, replete as it may have been with sadness or loss. My wish for you is that gentle, loving healing be ushered in.

Others carry forward hopes for new jobs, or for someone special to arrive in their lives. My wish for you is for new people and opportunities to cross your path.

Whatever wishes you carry in your heart for the New Year, I wish you:

The creativity to find it.

The strength to pursue it. And …

The mindset to relish it.

In short, we all deserve more time to dance or paint or whatever makes our heart sing.

Here’s to a joyous 2015! What is your wish for the New Year?



[UPDATE: December’s Savvy Girl Hall of Fame nominee is Malala Yousafzai, teenager and co-winner of the Nobel Peace Prize! She received this inspiring and prestigious award Dec 10 in Oslo, Norway.]

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